business services

Bee Bookkeeping & Accounts Ltd

Bookkeeping & Accounts practice based in Dorking, Surrey

Services include Bookkeeping, VAT, payroll, self-assessment tax returns, year-end accounts & corporation tax returns.

Small businesses - Sole Traders and Limited companies

We work closely with Sole Traders and Limited Companies taking away the stress of running the financial side of your businesses giving you the time and energy to focus on what matters to you the most.  We partner with you to provide you with insights as to how your business is performing at any point during your financial year, allowing you to make informed decisions about your future.

“Time is one of the most precious resources when running a small business. Anna has helped save me lots of it through her diligent bookkeeping skills, chasing payments and providing a wider financial support function, including helping to claw back some written off bad debt.  She is also friendly, enjoyable to work with and has integrated well into the team.”

Dan Webber, Director, Chimney Fire Coffee Ltd.

Bee Bookkeeping & Accounts Ltd.
Anna Johnson Bookkeeping Logo

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